Registration information coming soon
LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE John Moma (PhD)Chairperson Prof Neil Coville Miss Kamogelo Modisane Dr Manoko Maubane-Nkadimeng Mrs Laila Smith
CONTACT US Conference email address: secretariat phone number: +27 11 717 6705Conference details: Chair: Chair phone number: +27 11 717 6741 /
CONFERENCE LOCATION HOTEL ADDRESSChampagne Sports ResortWinterton, Central DrankensbergKwaZulu-Natal ProvinceTel: +27 36 468 8000Fax: +27 36 468 1072Email: For more information on the venue, visit:
IMPORTANT DATES Conference Dates: 13-16 November 2022 Abstract Submission Opens: 01 April 2022 Abstract Submission Closes: 15 July 2022 Acceptance Letters: 31 August 2022
In order to submit your abstract, you need to provide the following information: Themes ( Heterocatalysis / Homocatalysis /Biocatalysis & Electrocatalysis) Title Name & Surname
Abstract Peer-review Process / Guidelines The Catalysis Society of South Africa and the organizing committee members of CATSA2022 conference ensure a rigorous, high-quality and unbiased
To maintain the highest possible standards, you are requested to follow the speaker guidelines strictly. Media of AV Material The conference rooms will have the