Abstract Speaker Guidelines

To maintain the highest possible standards, you are requested to follow the speaker guidelines strictly.

Media of AV Material

  • The conference rooms will have the following equipment: video projector (beamer), PC running Windows 7 or higher with latest PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader (PDF), microphone, laser pointer, and screen.
  • You can create your presentation with your preferred program application, as long as you can save it in PDF or PowerPoint format.
  • The conference is using the latest available version of PowerPoint (PPT,PPTX) as well as PDF Reader v1.4. Macintosh users: please convert your file to PC format or PDF before you leave for the conference. Be aware that PowerPoint Mac-to-PC conversions can lead to unexpected results, especially with fonts, certain formats of embedded graphics, and special characters (ASCII characters 128 to 255). Your file will be transferred to a conference computer used for talk preparation and presentation. To avoid questions of PowerPoint compatibility, please embed your fonts, covert them to vectors or use only compatible fonts (e.g. Arial, Courier New, Lucida Sans, Times New Roman, Verdana).
  • You are required to use horizontal (landscape) slide format. In-file embedded video is not supported. If you have video content to show, please create a link within your document pointing to an external video file. Officially supported video containers are: MPEG, AVI and DivX using the content codecs MPEG-1 and MPEG-4. Audio is not supported. Several other video codecs may work (use at own risk). Limited video conversion capabilities are available via the A/V staff at the conference. The exact A/V room location will be announced at the conference and can be obtained from the registration desk.

Upload your presentation slides at AV desk 

  • The conference will provide a centralized presentation management system.
  • It is recommended to upload your presentation the night before your presentation. Bring your presentation saved on a USB Flash drive. The USB Flash drive will be scanned before transferring the presentation to the presentation folder.
  • Once you have completed your presentation it will be permanently deleted from the presentation folder. (Optionally, with your permission, it may be selected for the presentation library maintained by CATSA.)

General rules when preparing AV material

  • When preparing your AV material, keep the time limit for your presentation in mind. 12 to 15 slides are adequate for short presentations (20 minutes).
  • All slides must use landscape format. Color should be used carefully and color combinations resulting in a low contrast should be avoided.
  • The first slide should contain the title of your paper and the author names, your affiliations and your company or university logo (if applicable).
  • You should also prepare the following slides:
    • A slide describing the motivation and the basic idea of your work
    • A slide containing an outline of your talk
    • A slide containing the conclusion of your talk
  • Each slide should be concise, uncluttered and readable from a distance; include only key words and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.


  • Please be in the session room at least 20 minutes before the actual session starts. Make yourself familiar with the technical equipment. During your presentation you should keep in mind your time limit. The session moderator will stop your presentation if it takes more than your allocated time slot.
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