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Prof Xinying Liu

Prof Xinying Liu

 Prof Xinying Liu

Prof Xinying Liu

University of South Africa

Keynote speaker: KL9

Xinying Liu is a full professor and head of catalysis research group at the Institute for Development of Energy for African Sustainability, a research institute at the University of South Africa.

 He is an expert in the field of catalytic and nano inorganic materials for energy use, especially in Fischer Tropsch Synthesis (FTS), carbon dioxide utilization, biomass to energy systems and alternative liquid fuel processes.

He also has over 15 years of industrial experiences in carbonaceous material indirect liquefaction process (XTL process), in pilot scale XTL facility design and operation, and small/medium scale XTL plant design, and to couple Fischer Tropsch process with other renewable process including concentrated solar power, and carbon dioxide capture.

He has over 80 publications in peer reviewed journals with an h-index of 21.  He is currently supervising over 30 postgraduate students in his research laboratory in UNISA and two joint research laboratories in China. He currently serves as the committee member of the catalysis society of South Africa (CATSA).

Title: Bismuth-based materials for CO2 photo reduction


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University of the Witwatersrand

Center for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology Website Contacts Prof. Neil J. Coville: email Dr. Anzel Falch: email Dr. John Moma

University of South Africa

Chemical Engineering Website Contacts     Prof. Xinying Liu (Catalysis and Energy Solutions (ICES)): email Prof. Linda Jewell: email