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The Catalyst Industry in South Africa

The catalyst industry spans producers and consumers of catalysts and related products. CATSA is proud to have an association with the following companies:

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Poretech is South Africa’s leading supplier of Micromeritics, Hunter Lab, Horibia, Snap-tite and Autoclave Engineers with sole agency representation for most of these companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s all about Quality and Service!



The South African Department of Science and Technology’s National Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies Flagship project, branded as Hydrogen South Africa (HySA), is represented by HySA Catalysis (hosted by Mintek and the University of Cape Town) and HySA Infrastructure (hosted by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and North West University). The overall aim is to transform South Africa from a resource based economy to a knowledge based economy and in doing so add high value to the country’s mineral wealth.

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BASF is the world’s leading chemical company – The Chemical Company. We combine economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection. Through science and innovation we enable our customers in almost all industries to meet the current and future needs of the society.

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Clariant’s Catalysis & Energy Business Unit is a leading provider of catalysts for chemical, petrochemical, polymer, refnery and automotive industries as wall as materials for environmental markets and solutions for energy efficiency and energy storage. Our catalysts contribute significantly to value creation in our customers’ operations and play a key role in efficient and environmental friendly use of natural resources.

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As the world seeks alternatives and better ways to meet the demands of cleaner and reliable energy supply, Sasol’s acumen and commercial experience in coal-to-liquids and gas-to-liquids technology is increasingly being recognised and sought after worldwide. Sasol is a global player in chemicals and fuels. Welcome to a world where ideas are the motive and innovation the result.


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University of the Witwatersrand

Center for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology Website Contacts Prof. Neil J. Coville: email Dr. Anzel Falch: email Dr. John Moma

University of South Africa

Chemical Engineering Website Contacts     Prof. Xinying Liu (Catalysis and Energy Solutions (ICES)): email Prof. Linda Jewell: email