Prof Omotayo Arotiba
Prof Omotayo Arotiba University of Johannesburg, Keynote speaker: KL4 Omotayo Arotiba received his PhD in 2009 from the University of the Western Cape (UWC),
Prof Omotayo Arotiba University of Johannesburg, Keynote speaker: KL4 Omotayo Arotiba received his PhD in 2009 from the University of the Western Cape (UWC),
Prof Norah H De Leeuw Leeds University, UK Keynote speaker: KL6 Nora is Professor of Computational Chemistry, whose research is focused on the
Prof Paul Hayes University of Lethbridge, Keynote speaker: KL5 Paul G. Hayes received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Calgary under the tutelage of
Prof Nico Fischer University of Cape Town Keynote speaker: KL3 Nico Fischer studied Chemical engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, before joining the
Prof Samuel Dagorne CNRS -Strasbourg, France Keynote speaker: KL7 Samuel Dagorne obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Rennes (France) in1994. In 1995, he
Prof Xinying Liu University of South Africa Keynote speaker: KL9 Xinying Liu is a full professor and head of catalysis research group at the
Dr Lucia Steekamp CSIR, South Africa Keynote speaker: KL9 Lucia Steenkamp is a Principal Researcher at CSIR specialising in Biocatalysis and has been an
Prof Justin HargreavesUniversity of Glasgow, Scotland Plenary speaker PL2 Justin Hargreaves is currently Head of School and Professor of Catalytic Materials Chemistry at the
Prof Werner Thiel, TUK, Germany Keynote speaker: KL1 Werner R. Thiel was born in 1961 in Munich (Germany) and studied from 1981 chemistry at TU
Prof Paul Chirik, Princeton University, USA. Eminent visitor PL1 7th Nov, 2021: 16h30 – 17h15 The 31st CATSA conference eminent visitor is Prof Paul Chirik,