Abstract Poster Guidelines

Poster Guidelines

The poster session promotes an opportunity to interact with researchers and conference participants to share your ideas and get the suggestions in return which make this session an interactive and encouraging bit for the young researchers.

Specifications for Poster Presentations:

  • • Poster displays will be limited to one side of a 4 foot by 8 foot tack board. The recommended poster size is 3 feet by 6.5 feet (36 inches by 78 inches).
    • The poster board number assigned to the poster must be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the display.
    • A poster board number cut-out will be provided and must be visible at all times.
    • Be sure to include the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the institution(s) where research is underway.
    • Place your e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board.
    • It is suggested that you place multiple copies of a reproduction of the abstract in the upper left-hand side of the poster, written with the headings “Introduction/Background,” Methods,” “Results,” and “Conclusions”. Include your contact information on these copies for attendees who desire further information.
    • It is recommended that you hand-carry your poster to the conference, using tubular packaging or a portfolio case. Costs associated with creating and shipping the poster display will be the responsibility of the authors. Velcro (easiest to use), pushpins, or thumbtacks will be provided to mount your poster.
    • Refer to your acceptance letter and/or the final conference program for the time and location of your poster session and set-up time.
    • The designated poster presenter (author or co-author) must be present at the assigned space during the designated time to discuss the work presented.

Tips for Poster Preparation:

• Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary.
o Utilize handouts to supplement your poster.
o Goal: 20% text, 40% graphics, 40% space.
o Make sure ideas flow logically from one section to the next.
o Use charts and graphs to illustrate data (avoid large tables of raw data).
o Use high resolution photographs (web images often will not work).
o Do not use all capital letters.
• Be consistent.
o Keep consistent margins.
o Keep line spacing consistent.
o Keep the color, style, and thickness of borders the same.
o Keep shading consistent.
• Pick no more than 2–3 fonts
• Pick no more than 2–3 colors
• Test readability
o Title banner should be legible from 20 feet away.
o Body text should legible from 6 feet away.


  • The poster boards or the area designed for the sessions limits the dimension of the posters to the mentioned numbers.
  • Meticulous checking is required in all posters for typographic and grammatical mistakes and image (usage of color) quality.
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